The Nail Place offers a warm and inviting environment to every customer who walks through our door. We pride ourselves on offering the highest quality services to each and every client. The staff at The Nail Place is committed to you having the best possible experience in our cozy, hometown shop.
The Nail Place
Medina Village
603 Hwy 45 ES
Medina, TN 38355
Business Hours
Monday – Friday // 9.30a – 6.00p
Saturday & Sunday // Closed
What We Do
Call and make your appointment today!
Our Team
Jenna Cooper
Hey y’all! I have been doing nails for almost 20 years. I opened The Nail Place back in 2018. I have been married for 16 years and I am a mama of 3 teenage kids… that actually hurt to say. When I’m not at the football field or church you can find me goofing with the girls at work. I’m a true nerd at heart. I watch LOTS of documentaries. If I am not talking about that, or our weenie dog (Winston), I’m asking clients what shows we need to binge watch next. I am blessed with the opportunity to see and work alongside my very best friends and meet new people almost every day. I’m so thankful for that. We are your hands and feet Lord, use us.